•  Stop-motion Animation - Beneath the Bed​​​​​​​  •
Instead of doing my stop-motion on a traditional South African folktale as stated in this brief, I decided to make use of
one of the stories I was told from my childhood. Due to this, I was able to be fluid with how I
wanted my characters to look as well as how I would set up my environment. As I mentioned
prior, my project follows the story of a dog and cat that live under the bed, waiting for the
moment a limb slips out from beneath the blanket. We had to do two separate scenes: scene 1
follows a cats paw as it scratches the person in beds feet; scene 2 follows a large dog that comes
out from under the bed and licks the bed-persons hand. I wanted to keep the title simple and
hence coined the term “Beneath the Bed”. The title perfectly sets the scene for the events that
are about to unfold in the animation.​​​​​​​
A B O V E: Scene setup for filming
                                                                            A B O V E: Initial storyboarding and scamps
                                                                        B E L O W: First character design of Rudy the dog
B E L O W: Rudy the dog sculpture from various angles
 •  Final Deliverables  •
•  Thank You   •

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