• Exploration in Authorship - Brand Identity •
For this brief we had to create our own brand identity, as well as two pieces of art. We created our own self identity guide that we felt accurately reflected our design selves. My additional collateral was a short zine and a poster featuring some of my illustrations. My concept statement for this event goes as follows:

Things that move. Things that live. Ive always loved the motion of living, the thrum of
things that breathe, the effortless power of what flows without a mechanical heart. Most
of all, Id like to portray the mechanics which we cannot see. My art aims to visually
communicate the complexities of the human psyche, whilst simultaneously trying to
capture how we as people feel our emotions uniquely, as no one else will never truly
be able to experience ones own perspective. The human condition, perceived through
each individuals reality. It is the fragmentation and fragility of the mind, brought about
through our inevitable awareness of oneself, which irrevocably shapes the unescorted
thrum that we call perspectives. I am unsure whether this self-awareness is a blessing or
a curse, which i hope to explore further as i create more content. There are many things
which i do not understand, and through my art i believe i may be able to make meaning
in a world where i dont yet truly believe there is any.
A B O V E: Before we began creating our brand identity, we had the opportunity to show some previous illustrations we had done in the past. These illustrations were done over a long period of time and show the style I enjoy drawing in. 
 •  Final Deliverables  •
•  Thank You   •

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